your specialist for
port cranes, overhead cranes & gantry cranes

New spreaders

Nedcranes supplies new spreaders of the brand RAM. RAM Spreaders are designed for use on ship-to-shore cranes, yard gantry cranes, jib cranes, mobile harbour cranes, straddle carriers and reach stackers. Models include fixed or telescopic operation, single or twinlift and overheight spreaders as well as hook beams, rotators and headblocks.

Of course you can also contact NEDCRANES for repairs, maintenance and service on these spreaders.



  • container terminals
  • bulk ports
  • bulk cargo vessels
  • waste to energy incineration plants
  • scrap metal yards
  • steel mills
  • marine dredging
  • mining businesses

World leader in the bulk cargo and container handling industry

RAM Spreaders are produced since 1972. Over the years, RAM Spreaders has successfully established itself as a reputable brand name in the container handling. In 2015, RAM Spreaders merged with Salzgitter Machinebau AG into PEINER SMAG Lifting Technologies GmbH. This way, they became a world leading lifting accessories supplier and global market leader in both bulk cargo and container handling industries. Based on the proven product designs of PEINER and RAM, this machine manufacturer develops, produces and maintains hoisting accessories for various industries.

Performance through innovation

RAM Spreaders continues to develop its product range, both in response to customer expectations and in anticipating future developments. With such a wide range of spreader models and options they can meet the needs of most terminal operators. However, a development of bespoke solutions is also possible to deliver the most effective and practical container handling solution.

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Spreaders for ship-to-shore cranes

Spreaders for yard gantry cranes

Spreaders for mobile harbour cranes

Single hoist tandem

Containerised bulk handling spreaders (revolver) for ship-to-shore

Containerised bulk handling spreaders (revolver) for mobile harbour cranes

Containerised bulk handling spreaders (revolver) for ship cranes

Containerised bulk handling spreaders (revolver) for bridge cranes

Containerised bulk handling spreaders (revolver) for reach stackers

Telescopic pipe handling spreader for yard and ship cranes

Telescopic overheight frame spreader

Twist lock handling machines