your specialist for
port cranes, overhead cranes & gantry cranes
NEDCRANES supplies holding brakes and service brake systems for cranes. Some brands are Sibre(Siegerland bremsen), EMG, Hillmar, Bubenzer. Cranes must be equipped with storm brakes or storm pins. A wind speed measuring system on a crane warns when the wind load becomes too high. Optionally, the wind measuring system can be set up that if the wind load is too high, the crane switches to slow speed and will be switched off and fall back on the storm protection at high speed.
Because cranes in terminals are exposed to climate change they experience high stress because of storms and strong winds. To prevent endangerment of people and materials is the use of storm brakes necessary. Nedcranes offers several different storm brakes.
Drum brakes are a more robust approach, they have been optimized trough the years. Drum brakes provide a constant brake torque up to 31600 Nm.
Disc brakes will distribute the force evenly on two symetrically points on the disc. reaching torque ratings from 100 Nm up to 32000 Nm. One of the benefits of disc brakes is the reduced investment costs.
To optimise your braking unit, a coupling provides connection between motor and load. A coupling is suitable for compensation of axial, radial displacement in your machine. For more about couplings, see our couplings page.